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US Department of Justice: Trump may have withheld some documents

US Department of Justice: Trump may have withheld some documents

Trump's home was raided by the FBI recently. As a result of the raid, confidential documents were accessed at Trump's house. On top of that, US Justice Department officials say that former President Donald Trump may have hidden some documents during a search by the American Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) at his home in Mar-a-Lago, Florida, in June.

The FBI team that searched Trump's home was not allowed to enter some of the rooms. Thereupon, the ministry claims that there may be documents hidden in this room. 

US Department of Justice: Trump may have withheld some documents

The 54-page application of the Ministry of Justice was announced today and will be evaluated by the court tomorrow. In the application made to the court, Jay Bratt, head of the ministry's counterintelligence department, noted that the FBI managed to find some confidential documents during the search that the Trump team had not handed over despite previous calls.

It is said that there are no documents in the secret rooms

"It is vital that the former president's attorney clearly does not allow government officials to open or look inside any of the boxes left in the room used as a storage room, giving officials no opportunity to verify that there are no confidentially stamped documents," the file said in more detail on the search made in June.

The raid in June was found to be insufficient, and in July the FBI raided again.

The FBI is investigating whether Trump broke the rules and took some documents from the White House to his home in Mar-a-Lago when he left office in January 2021.

US Department of Justice: Trump may have withheld some documents

Justice Department official Jay Bratt says the discovery of some confidential documents among Trump's personal documents is "proof of the crimes under investigation".

Trump, on the other hand, says that he is not breaking the law in this regard and that the documents are declassified documents.

Former US President Trump has applied to the court for documents that do not have a search record to be given to him. But Justice Department official Jay Bratt says the documents do not belong to Trump, but to the United States.

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