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Transfer offer to Cristiano Ronaldo!

 Transfer offer to Cristiano Ronaldo!

The transfer offer came to the famous star football player Cristiano RonaldoRonaldo, who had troubled times in the Manchester United team, wanted to leave the team because he could not go to the champions league. After that, he started to have troubled days at Manchester United. He was viewed as an unwanted player by his team. 

When the United team did not like these moves of Ronaldo, he told him to find a new team. Nobody has made an offer to the famous football player Ronaldo, who is 37 years old, because of his age and value

Transfer offer to Cristiano Ronaldo!

However, according to rumors, Ronaldo received a shock offer by a club preparing for the Champions League. Everyone wonders which club it is as his manager tries to convince Ronaldo. So, from which club did Ronaldo receive an offer?

Shock offer of 100 million Euros from Napoli club

According to the statement, an offer of 100 million euros came from the Napoli club for RonaldoNapoli offers 100 million euros to Manchester United and seeks Ronaldo-Osimhen trade. There was no explanation from Ronaldo. Everyone is waiting for the explanation of this curious proposal.

What do you think about this transfer offer? Do you think Ronaldo should transfer to Napoli?

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