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What is Langya Virus ? Is Langya Virus contagious ?

 What is Langya Virus ? Is Langya Virus contagious ? Is it another epidemic ?

While the effects of the Coronavirus, which swept the world in the past years, still continue, the Langya Virus has now emerged. It is worried by many people. So what is this new Langya Virus ?  Is Langya Virus contagious ?

scientists discovered a new Langya Virus from the henipavirus family in their research. Henipavirus had previously revealed a virus that was dangerous to humanity.

What is Langya Virus ?

Langya Virus was rosary in China in 2018, and the last case was seen this year. However, the virus is not officially recognized. In animal tests, Langya Virus RNA was found in a quarter of 262 mice. The virus is believed to be transmitted from animals, primarily shrews. Doctors said that attention should be paid.

What is Langya Virus ? Is Langya Virus contagious ?

Is Langya virus contagious ?

According to research published in the New England Journal of Medicine, there is currently no indication that the Langya Virus is contagious. In the research, it is said that the virus is mostly transmitted to humans through animals, especially mice. However, this needs to be checked with other studies as well.

Researcher Wang Linfa, from Duke-NUS Medical School in Singapore, said that the detected cases are not serious and that there should be no panic.

What is Langya Virus ? Is Langya Virus contagious ?

What are the symptoms of Langya Virus ?

Langya virus signs and symptoms have been explained by experts. High fever, cough, weakness, loss of appetite, nausea, and muscle pain were observed in people infected with Langy Virus.

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