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Hotel raid in Somalia! What is the latest status?

 Hotel raid in Somalia!

It is said that the number of dead in the treacherous raid carried out by a terrorist organization group launched last night. Explosions are said to have occurred in the attack on the hotel in Mogadishu

Although 24 hours have passed since the hotel raid, it is said that there are still clashes with the security forces. It was announced that there were still hostages inside the hotel attack organized by al-Shabab. A large number of staff and guests were rescued.

A group of militants, who wanted to enter the hotel on Friday evening, carried out a bomb attack around the hotel for 2 hours. It is still unknown how many gunmen were involved in the attack by al-Shabab.

Hotel raid in Somalia! What is the latest status?

There is data that at least 12 people, mostly civilians, were killed in the attack. According to the statement, "There are also reports of bodies lying inside the hotel, but no one can get in."

A police officer told Reuters that the first attack on the hotel was two car bombs.

"One hit a barrier near the hotel, the other hit the hotel door," he said.

After the initial attack, an al-Shabaab-affiliated website said a group of militants "randomly opened fire" after "breaking into" the hotel, which has been described as a popular place for federal government employees to meet.

Meanwhile, loved ones of people still trapped or unaccounted for gathered outside the hotel, local journalist Abdul Mumin told the BBC

Mumin, who was near the hotel at the time of the attack, said he heard a "big explosion" and went to report the incident.

"We saw a lot of smoke coming out of the hotel, which is the Hayat hotel. There were probably five big explosions and then there was gunfire," he said.

The group controls much of southern and central Somalia but has been able to extend its influence into areas controlled by the government based in Mogadishu.

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