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Tribal member in Brazil who has no contact with the world

 Tribal member in Brazil who has no contact with the world

In Brazil, the last tribal member not connected to the world has died. The last member of the tribe, who spent the last 26 years digging holes in Brazil and did not connect with the world, was found dead in a barn on August 23. 

The last tribesman, known as "the pitman," dug burrows for both hunting and hiding. The tribe member is thought to be in his 60s and died of natural causes. No signs of violence were found on his body. The pitman was the last member of an indigenous group living in the Tanaru region in the Brazilian state of Rondonia on the border with Bolivia.

Tribal member in Brazil who has no contact with the world

Most of the tribe was killed in the 1970s by a group of farmers who wanted to expand their fields. In 1995, all six members of the tribe were killed as a result of the attack by illegal miners, and the pitman began to live as the only member of his tribe.

The pitman's body was found by the foundation's employee, Altair Jose Algayer, during a routine patrol of Funai. The body was reportedly covered with feathers.

It was reported that the pitman could cover the feathers himself before he died. The native tribe member is thought to have been aware that he was going to die. The reason why he died will be determined by autopsy.

Nobody knows the life of the pitman

Little was known about the pitman. It is thought that he has not communicated with anyone throughout his life. His life is known to be full of mysteries. It is not known what language and what his name is.

What do you guys think of the pitman?

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