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Starlink has made a discount on internet prices!

 Starlink has made a discount on internet prices!

Starlink, which is one of Elon Musk's crazy projects and provides high-speed satellite internet service, has made a discount on internet prices.

Starlink service, which is one of Elon Musk's crazy projects and provides high-speed internet service from satellite, came to the fore with a discount on internet prices. This seems to make most people happy.

Starlink increased the price of the starter kit from $499 to $599, and the monthly internet fee from $99 to $110 with a hike in March. However, these prices are now subject to change.

Starlink internet price has been reduced in many countries

Due to the improvement of local market conditions, the reduction in prices in some countries made users smile. A user who stated that he paid 124 Euros for Starlink RV service every month in the Netherlands received an email that as of August 24, the monthly service fee will be reduced to 105 Euros.

Starlink has made a discount on internet prices!

This discount is not limited to the Netherlands. While a user in the UK stated that the fee was reduced from £89 to £75, in Germany there were reports that the price was reduced from 100 euros to 80 euros. Users in Chile and Brazil expect a discount of around 50 percent.

In the United States, where the dollar has appreciated against other currencies, the situation has not yet become clear. A user living in Nevada claims that the monthly fee from $110 has been reduced to $85. However, when we look at Starlink's website, the starter kit is still $599 and the monthly fee is $110.

What are your thoughts on Starlink satellites, Elon musk's crazy project?

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