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Effective temperatures in Europe also hit France ! Forest fire disaster in France !

Effective temperatures in Europe also hit France ! Forest fire disaster in France !

In the south of France, which has been struggling with heat waves and drought that caused more than one forest fire in the last two months, a new forest fire broke out in the Gironde region, where the biggest forest fires in history were experienced. The forest fire disaster in France made people very afraid.
In a statement from the Gironde governorate, it was stated that 500 firefighters were mobilized due to this fire disaster. It was stated that the severe forest fire disaster in the commune of Hostens also spread to the neighboring region of Landes.

Effective temperatures in Europe also hit France ! Forest fire disaster in France !

In the statement, which stated that 6,000 people were evacuated in Hostens, Saint-Magne, and Belin-Beliet, it was said that "The fire destroyed 16 houses in various parts of the town of Belin-Beliet, there were no injuries."
More than 20 thousand hectares of land were burned in the forest fires that broke out at two different points in Gironde in July, while approximately 40 thousand people were evacuated from their homes.

Forest fire is spreading fast in France !

Another forest fire in France, in Lozere, in the south of the country, took more than 700 hectares of land. A large number of firefighters responded to the fire with planes. In the news published in France, it was announced that the fire, which broke out in the southwest of Lozere yesterday evening, spread to the east of Aveyron province in a short time like 2 days.
More than 700 hectares of land were destroyed in this rapidly spreading fire disaster, and more than 1000 people were evacuated. In this still ongoing disaster, many firefighters responded to the fire with planes. In the province of Drum, the fire that broke out on Friday evening continues to progress.
Even this year alone, more than 52 thousand hectares of forests have been burned. According to EFFIS, more than 50,000 hectares of land in France have been affected by forest fires since the beginning of 2022.

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